Cook Memorial Library
93 Main Street | Tamworth, NH 03886
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This month's events

Outdoor Nature-based Storytime for young children, every Tuesday at 10:30 AM outside behind the library. Be sure to dress for the weather!

Winter Kids’ Reading Clubs: Stop in soon to sign up and borrow a copy of the book to read ahead of time. Come to reading club to play word games, talk about books, eat pizza, and have fun!

  • Bookworms for kids up to age 9, Monday, January 27 at 4:00 PM: Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater     
  • Bibliomaniacs for kids 10 and up, Monday, February 3 at 5:00 PM: As Brave As You by Jason Reynolds

Board Games, Tuesdays, 5:00-8:00 PM. For teens and adults. Come play a variety of board games in our historic front room. Feel free to bring a game you’d like to teach others.

Daytime programs, thanks to an Accessible Small and Rural Libraries grant from Libraries Transforming Communities:

  • Bingo Club: No cost, for fun only! Come play Bingo in our meeting room from 1:00 to 2:00 PM, alternating Wednesdays. This month, Bingo Club will meet on January 8 and 22.
  • Animals in Winter, Wednesday, January 15, 1:00 PM: Join a Squam Lakes Natural Science Center Naturalist to meet live animals up close and find out about various successful adaptations they use to survive in winter.

Mountains to the Sea writing group, Wednesday, January 8, 10:30 AM online via Zoom: Meets monthly to write and read together. Register to join at

Radon: what you need to know, Wednesday, January 8 at 6:30 PM online via Zoom: We team up with Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) for an online radon awareness program with the founder of, Tom Jarvela. Radon is a health hazard that increases the risk of lung cancer with long-term exposure. In New Hampshire approximately 3 in 10 homes are affected.  Come learn about radon, its risks, how you can take action to protect your family and test your home for free. Sign up for the Zoom link at Thanks to GMCG, our library has a radon testing kit to lend.

Tamworth Town Records Transcription volunteers will meet on January 15 at 6:00 PM.

Join us for "A Winter of Water," a Climate & Community series for 2025 cosponsored by Cook Memorial Library and Chocorua Lake Conservancy. January's program:

  • Online book discussion of Water Always Wins: Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge by Erica Gies, Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 PM on Zoom. Register for the Zoom link at Borrow the book now to read ahead of time and plan to join us.

Jigsaw Puzzle Contest, Saturday, January 25, 2:00 PM: How fast can your team finish a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle? We have room for six teams of up to four players per team who will race to complete identical puzzles. No cost to play! Bragging rights and a small prize will go to the winning team. Sign up at If we have a lot of interest, we’ll combine smaller teams.

Poetry Hour, Monday, January 27 at 5:00 PM: Come to read or simply to listen to poems about beginnings and endings. (We liked this theme so much in December, we’re continuing in January.)

Hidden Mountains: Survival and Reckoning After a Climb Gone Wrong, Wednesday, January 29 at 6:30 PM in person at the library. Local author Michael Wejchert talks about his latest book, which describes a climbing adventure in a remote Alaskan mountain range, the impossible rescue attempt that followed, and the fraught cost of survival. If you wish, read the book ahead of time, we’ll have several copies available to borrow at the beginning of January. The author will have copies of the book available for sale and signing after the program.