Cook Memorial Library
93 Main Street | Tamworth, NH 03886
603-323-8510    Email us    Text us

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Computer equipment you can use at the library:

  • Public computers with internet access
    • We have two Windows desktop computers in our Front & Clock Tower Room, one Windows laptop computer in the Young Adult corner, and one iMac desktop computer in our lower level History Room.
    • All Windows public computers have Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher). 
    • Our iMac computer has Adobe Creative Suite programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, InDesign, and more)
    • All computers can access printers for both color & black ink only printing
  • Wireless internet access is available. Password is posted at the library.
  • One of the Windows computers is located in a private space for telehealth or teleconference online meetings. Please contact the lirbary to reserve this space.

Find info about using our copier, printer, fax, and scanner.

We also have computer equipment to lend. See our Library of Things catalog.