Cook Memorial Library
93 Main Street | Tamworth, NH 03886
603-323-8510    Email us    Text us

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Copy, Print, Scan, & Fax

We have the following equipment for you to use on your own or with staff assistance. Fees are listed below.


Black & white only: 15 cents/page for letter size (8.5" x 11"), 20 cents for legal size (8.5" x 14"), 25 cents/page for ledger (11" x 17")

Color: 50 cents/page for letter size, other sizes not available


50 cents per fax to send or receive a fax, unless very long distance (discuss fee with staff). Our fax number for receiving faxes is 603-323-2077. Please let us know ahead of time if you want to receive a fax at the library.


Our public computers are connected to printers for black & white and color printing.

You may print using your device using a wireless connection at the library. Instructions are posted above the printer in the hallway.

Prices for printing are the same as for copying above.


Our main level copier can also be used to scan documents to an email address or to your flashdrive/memory stick. We have a scanner that can be used for higher resolution scanning by appointment. Contact us for details.