Adult Book Group: In 2025, our monthly book group will read books to go along with our "Reading Adventurously" monthyl reading challenges. Find this month's title and discussion date on our Upcoming Events page.
One Book One Valley: A collaboration between 12 area libraries and White Birch Books independent bookstore. Events and book discussions take place in the fall.
Kids’ Book Clubs are held several times a year. See our Reading Clubs for Kids page for a list of clubs, and our calendar for upcoming Reading Club meetings.
Getting books for your book group: If you belong to a book group and have a Tamworth library card, you can ask to borrow multiple copies of a title for your group. We will request copies from other New Hampshire libraries through our interlibrary loan system. Note that new titles (less than six months from publication date) will not be available to borrow from other libraries.
Book group kits: New Hampshire Library Association has dozens of READS-to-Go kits, large tote bags that contain 15 copies of a discussable book, available for book groups to borrow. Learn more at Let us know if you’re interested in borrowing any of these kits.
Our library has multiple copies of the following titles, which may be borrowed as a set for your book group. Just let us know if you’d like to borrow any of these: